April 2016 NKnowledge® Nitrogen in the Environment Technical Workshop
Your third opportunity to be part of the exclusive cutting-edge Nitrogen (N) knowledge sharing workshops will be held in April 2016.
The workshop will be full of carefully researched up-to-date and advanced information on Nitrogen process in soil, water and wastewater. Since much of the N processes is microbiologically driven, particular attention will be given to biological processes.
Without knowing or properly understanding N processes, it will be difficult to understand technical jargons, meetings, discussions, conferences, seminars, workshops, reports, hearings and AEEs involving N.
Even if you are an expert in N, this workshop is designed to challenge and explore outside your comfort zone to widen your knowledge and inspire you to maintain and enhance your appetite for N knowledge.
NKnowledge workshops will be conducted by Dr Selva Selvarajah. Those who are familiar with the 150 kg N/ha/year farm dairy effluent regional rules in NZ will be aware that this loading rate was introduced FIRST by Waikato Regional Council based on Dr Selvarajah's extensive N modelling work in the absence of any similar technical information available in NZ in the 1990s. The loading rate is still being used and enforced by many regional councils and following more applied research on effluent N loading in the past two decades, seen as a sustainable loading rate for dairy grazed pasture to date. Please see link for the 150 kgN/ha/year farm dairy effluent loading rate technical paper below (to view other publications from Dr Selvarajah see in Publication/Papers/Reports section on this website):
Please note that these workshops are not related to the nutrient management/OVERSEER® training conducted by the Fertiliser and Lime Research Centre, Massey University nor a substitute to the Massey University annual February training.
Technical Professionals' NKnowledge® Workshop (2-Days) will be held in April 2016 at the following main centres:
Hamilton |
Palmerston North |
Christchurch |
7-8 April 2016 |
11-12 April 2016 |
14-15 April 2016 |
Seats/Workshop are limited to 20 at each location. Seats will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
Workshop Registration of Interest Final Date: 23 March 2016
Workshop Registration of Interest by e-mail: sustain@enviroknowledge.co.nz
Workshop fee/person: $1175 (Excluding GST) (Reduced fee of $850 (excl GST) for postgraduate students)
Workshop fee includes lunch, tea/coffee, hardcopy manual, certificate and 3-month clarification support on workshop contents.
Technical Professionals' NKnowledge® April 2016 Workshop Details to Download: