Most of us use common sense to carry out our activities. Should not we know whether our day-to-day activities are accepted under the RMA? Should not we know of the consequences of breaching the RMA?
- January 30, 2016
What will happen if we drive a vehicle on a road without knowing (a) our speed limits and (b) the consequences of not adhering to those limits? As drivers of vehicles, we are fully aware of our responsibilities and the consequences of breaking the law. Such an awareness is critical in maintaining or improving our road safety. Do we have similar awareness about our country’s environmental bottom lines?
Continue reading- January 30, 2016
Do you wish to know what constitute an offence under the RMA?
Continue reading- January 30, 2016
Detection of offences
Do you wish to know how offences under the RMA are detected by the regional councils?
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Advice and warning
Most regional councils prefer education over enforcement. Councils have dedicated education officers, call centre staff or field staff to help wider community in understanding environmental management and compliance.
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Infringement/abatement notices
While infringement notices are issued by the regional councils, the fees are set nationally by the Governor General. Infringement fees are set on an activity basis.
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Enforcement orders
Unlike abatement notice, which is served by the council enforcement officers, enforcement orders are served by the District Courts. Enforcement orders are served generally to comply with certain activities.
Continue reading- January 30, 2016
Prosecution may or may not result in conviction. Despite no conviction, Court could still punish by fine or other means such as community service. If convicted it will be a criminal conviction resulting in fine and/or imprisonment.
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