+64 (03) 477 6111

Government Ministers

Under the RMA functions (section 24 of the Act) the Minister can recommend

  • to issue a national policy statement (NPS);
  • national environmental standards (NES) (e.g. Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Air Quality) Regulations 2004);
  • to issue water conservation order (WCO);
  • intervene with an RMA proposal of national significance;
  • monitor the effect of and implementation of the RMA, NPS, WCO and any matter of national significance; and
  • consider the use of charges, levies or incentive to achieve the purpose of Act.


Under the RMA powers the Minister can

  • investigate the performance of a district or regional council under the RMA;
  • appoint any person(s) to take over the functions, powers and duties of that council after giving notice and receiving council’s response of its unsatisfactory performance; and
  • direct a council to initiate a plan development or plan change or a review of a plan.

Functions of the Minister of Conservation

  • Development of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS);
  • Approval of regional coastal plan;
  • Monitor the effect and implementation of the NZCPS; and
  • Perform the functions of the regional councils to manage coastal management areas that are not under the jurisdiction of the regional councils (e.g. Auckland Kermaedec and Campbell Islands)

Functions of the Minister of Aquaculture

  • Suspending aquaculture coastal permit applications;
  • Making directions to process and hear aquaculture coastal applications; and
  • Recommend regulations to amend aquaculture activities within the regional coastal plans.