RMA Compliance
Once an offence is committed it is difficult to reverse it. An offender does not need to be a farm worker who, for example, allowed the effluent runoff to water. Depending on the circumstances, the share-milker and/or farm owner could also be considered as offenders even though they are not directly involved in the incident. Find out more about offences under NZ Environment\Compliance on our website.
If your paddocks have tile and mole drains try and locate them and maintain a drainage map. When irrigate farm dairy effluent pay particular attention to tile and mole drained areas to avoid effluent entering drains.
Avoid ponding of effluent.
No effluent runoff into waterways or drains.
No effluent application under saturated conditions.
Avoid stock access to waterways.
Take water within the limits specified within the consents or permitted activity (permitted activities are the activities you could perform without consents) conditions.
Establish crossings within the requirements of consents or permitted activity conditions.
Make sure any discharge to water comply with the permitted activity or consent conditions. Make sure your tile and mole drain discharges meet the regional council requirements (one way of achieving this is to divert and treat drainage water – see further info- New Zealand Guidelines for Constructed Wetland Treatment of Tile Drainage.
Check with the regional council before clearing, diverting or damming a waterway.
If you are building a dam (including off-stream) you may need a Building Consent from your regional council. If you build a dam below the Building Act Building Consent thresholds you will still need to follow the Building Code. Either way under the current regulations you need to consult with a dam engineer for building dams.
Avoid fertiliser or pesticide drift outside your property boundary or into any waterways.
Avoid excessive irrigation that may result in ponding or runoff or drainage into your neighbouring property.
Manage offal pits or farm landfills well above the ground water table and well away from waterways and to the requirements of the regional council.
Report all hazardous substances spillages to soil or water to the regional council.
Avoid pugging of soils or waterway margins.
Consult with the regional council before undertaking any new drainage activities.
Comply with consent conditions and renew consents before expiry. Apply for renewal 6 months before consent expiry. This will give you automatic right to continue with your activity until a new consent is granted. If you apply between the period of 6 months and 3 months before the expiry you will be operating with your old consent until renewal at the regional council’s discretion. However, if you apply within the 3 months before the consent expires, your activity becomes unauthorised if the renewal is not granted before the expiry date. In the case of water permits in fully or over-allocated catchments and with councils’ sinking lid policy you could potentially lose your water right if you allow your consent to expire.
If you have not used your consent within the specified period or 5 years of granting your consent, it will lapse. Be in touch with the regional council before consent lapsing.
Be familiar with the permitted activity conditions. If in doubt consult with your regional council.
Avoid any odorous or smoke emission activities that could result in odour or smoke nuisance outside your boundary.
Avoid any activity that could cause flooding of your neighbour’s property.
Comply with the water measuring device regulation.
Comply with any water shortage directions from your regional council.