+64 (03) 477 6111

RMA Compliance

  • Obtain necessary consents from regional or district councils and comply with the conditions.

  • Comply with regional and district councils’ permitted activities.

  • Check with the regional council before clearing, diverting or damming a waterway. If you are building a dam (including off-stream) you may need a Building Consent from your regional council. If you build a dam below the Building Act Building Consent thresholds you will still need to follow the Building Code. Either way, you need to consult with a qualified or certified dam engineer for building dams.

  • Avoid sediment runoff. Plan harvest or major earthwork activities during low rainfall periods.  

  • Avoid waterway bed disturbances.

  • Avoid any pesticide or fuel spillages.

  • Avoid any direct discharge of fertiliser or pesticides into waterways.