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For many household people, it may be difficult to understand the extent of our own environmental compliances.


For many household people particularly urban dwellers since there is no direct involvement with the Resource Management Act (RMA) process (e.g. consents) it may be difficult to understand the extent of our own environmental compliances.

Many of our activities are based on our common sense hence without specific knowledge of compliance requirements we could generally carry out our day-to-day activities in New Zealand without causing any environmental harm.

However, if we were to make a difference we need that additional knowledge/information. Such a knowledge will also help us avoid breaking the environmental law (RMA) unintentionally.

The purpose of this section is to promote a better awareness of a household person to reduce his/her environmental footprint and to improve overall compliance.

What can you do to NZ’s sustainability?

You can do a lot. There are no excuses. Be focused on what you wish to achieve and how you wish to play your role to sustain NZ.

Energy and water use and wastes are considered as key household issues that have national significance. For example many of you may be familiar with the EECA (Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority) adverts on TV regarding switching to power saving light bulbs. The advert claims that by all of us using power saving light bulbs we could save power which is equivalent to Hamilton City's annual power needs.


  • August 30, 2014

Household Continued

Many of our activities are based on our common sense hence without specific knowledge of compliance requirements we could generally carry out our day-to-day activities in New Zealand without causing any environmental harm.

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  • November 19, 2014


Water is becoming more precious to a wide range of users. There is increasing tension between water users about the ultimate use of water. Waste of water affects many water users in different ways. Wasting water affects water quantity and flow, water quality, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Water wastage should be avoided to reduce environmental footprints. 

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  • November 19, 2014


'Waste' is not a good word in the context of sustainability. Most of what we consider as household wastes have valuable use. Our mind set of 'waste' should be changed to 'resource' or 'reduce' or 'recycle'. If the above steps are difficult we must try and avoid creating 'waste'. 

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  • November 19, 2014

Energy Use

Our overall energy use is linked to many of our day-to-day activities. We need to proactively try and minimise our energy use while ensuring our and others good health. 

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  • November 19, 2014

RMA Compliance

Resource Management Act (RMA) (NZ environmental Legislation) expects everyone of us to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the environment. RMA does not differentiate between urban and rural activities. We can easily achieve RMA compliance by taking sensible and environmentally friendly measures at our homes.

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  • November 19, 2014

Consequences of not complying

Any breach is an offence under the RMA and hence could potentially result in enforcement action. Most councils' enforcement officers are sensible, practical and helpful hence if you had an accident or incident not intended, it pays to contact your regional council pollution hotline proactively.

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