ENVIROKNOWLEDGE® is an environmental research, training, education and consultancy company. Our aim is to conduct valuable research & review and provide high quality consultancy and training services in soil, water and wastewater management and transfer environmental legislative and scientific information to the wider community.
Consultancy Services
Specialist consultancy services will be available in the management of water, wastewater, air and land and soil nutrients with the key focus on nitrogen.
The consultancy services will also provide the preparation or the review of
- Assessment of environmental effects (AEEs) reports;
- State of the Environment (SoEs) or Pressure reports;
- Scientific environmental research proposals;
- Wastewater treatment systems/discharges/upgrades and
- Soil, water and effluent nitrogen research papers/reports, and
critical technical reviews and Hearing Commissioner services in the field of water, wastewater and soil management and land treatment systems.
Training, Research and Education
Group Training in
Basic and advanced knowledge in nitrogen in the environment; Effective and efficient consents process; Regional Council Consents monitoring; farm nutrient management to improve water quality under the RMA and Sewage Wastewater Management under the RMA.
Download ENVIROKNOWLEDGE Training Compendium for further information (2MB).
Research and Collaborative Research in
Soil, Water and Wastewater Sciences and State of the Environment/Pressure monitoring.
In collaboration with Universities Lectures/Seminars in RMA implementation, Water & Wastewater Quality and Nitrogen in the Environment.
Considerable amount of time and effort are spent on public education without any funding assistance to maintain independency and objectivity. Public education is provided through this website on various topics under NZ Environment and Sustainable Living. Frequent newspaper opinion articles will be written on emerging key issues (see for articles under News Paper Opinion Articles). Most written papers will be uploaded on this website for free access (under Publications and Papers).
ENVIROKNOWLEDGE® envisages to maintain an up-to-date website that would provide information on environmental matters to the wider community (e.g. households, farmers and industries) in New Zealand.
We expect that the information provided on our website will improve community’s knowledge in environmental management which will lead to better environmental awareness, compliance and ultimately better sustainable living.