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Council Reports

Reports at the Waikato Regional Council


Selvarajah, N. 1995. Assessment of environmental effects of Waste Water Treatment and Disposal System for Morrinsville Town.

Selvarajah, N. 1994. Assessment of environmental effects of land application of waste water from rendering and skin and meat processing plants at Waitoa. In Wallace Corporation, Waitoa (a Joint Resource Consent Hearing, 1994).

Selvarajah, N. 1994. Assessment of environmental effects of land application of dairy factory waste water. In Hautapu Buxton Farm waste water irrigation project - Anchor Products (a Joint Resource Consent Hearing, 1994).

Selvarajah, N. 1994. Assessment of environmental effects of a treated sewage effluent applied onto forest land. In Hardy Martin Estates, Cooks Beach Sewage Project (a Joint Resource Consent Hearing, 1994).

Selvarajah, N. 1994. Technical evidence to the Lihcfield Dairy Factory Effluent Land Application Joint Resource Consent Hearing Panel.

Selvarajah, N. 1994. Assessment of environmental effects of land application of dairy factory waste water. In Lichfield Dairy Factory Proposal - New Zealand Dairy Group of Companies (a Joint Resource Consent Hearing, 1994).

Selvarajah, N. 1994. Assessment of environment effects of the proposed sewage effluent treatment system by Hamilton City Council, 1994.

Selvarajah, N. 1994. Assessment of environmental effects of the South Waikato District Council stock truck effluent land disposal.


Selvarajah, N 2000. Piggery odour discharge enforcement order expert witness affidavit.

Selvarajah, N. 1995. Farm dairy effluent prosecution discharge expert witness affidavit.

Planning technical reports/public response

Selvarajah, N. 2000. Uranium levels in New Zealand soils- response to public enquiry.

Selvarajah, N. 1994. Nitrogen loading rate for dairy pasture system in the Waikato region. Technical Report 1994/2 for the Transitional Regional Plan – Dairy Shed Effluent.

Cochrane, P.R. and Selvarajah, N. 1993. Ground water and soil quality issues associated with the on-site disposal of domestic sewage effluent: Proposed Changes to Environment Waikato's Transitional Regional Plan 2- On-site Sewage.

Selvarajah, N. 1993. Nitrate in ground water in the Waikato Region. Planning and Environment Committee 1993.


Reports at the Otago Regional Council


Selvarajah, S. and Pettinger, R. Implementation of Regional Plan: Water for Otago. Policy Committee, October 2003.

Selvarajah, S. 2003. Water use efficiency. Policy Committee, March 2003.


Selvarajah, S. 2012. Enforcement of the Air Plan rules related to discharges from domestic heating appliances. Regulatory Committee, January 2012.

Threlfall, J, McRae, F and Selvarajah, S. 2011. Air quality strategy and longterm planning. Regulatory Committee, August 2011.

Selvarajah, S. 2003. Air Plan Implementation. Policy Committee, August 2003.


Selvarajah, S. and Kelliher P. 2012. Stock truck effluent on Otago Roads. Regulatory Committee, December 2012.

Selvarajah, S. 2011. Key waste water discharge consents granted in the past decade. Regulatory Committee, August 2011.

Selvarajah, S. and Lindgren, A. 2008. Staff recommending report for Clutha District Council Milton Wastewater Treatment Plan discharge (to Tokomairiro River) consent application.

Selvarajah, S. 2006. Memorandum of understanding between Otago Regional Council and Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd. Compliance Committee, March 2006.

Selvarajah, S. 2002. Dairy effluent discharges policy. Policy Committee, October 2002.


Selvarajah, S. and Cardno, M. 2005. Update on the Regional Plan: Coast Review. Policy and Resource Planning Committee, Janurary 2005.


Selvarajah, S. 2002. The New Zealand Waste Strategy – Implications for Regional Councils. Policy Committee, April 2002.


Selvarajah, S, Robson, D and Price, S. 2009. Rabbit control in the Otago Region. Compliance Committee, March 2009.

Selvarajah, S. 2003. NZ Biosecurity Strategy. Policy Committee, May 2003.

Selvarajah, S. 2003. Submissions on discussion document – Pest management strategy for Varroa bee mite by Varroa Planning Group. Council, February 2003.

Compliance and Enforcement

Selvarajah, S. 2011. Sediment runoff enforcement policy. Regulatory Committee, March 2011.

Selvarajah, S. 2011. Outdoor burning enforcement policy. Regulatory Committee, March 2011.

Selvarajah, S and G Palmer. 2011. Dams enforcement policy. Regulatory Committee, February 2011.

Selvarajah, S. 2010. Enforcement of consent auditing and performance monitoring non-compliance. Compliance Committee paper March 2010.

Selvarajah, S. 2009. Rabbit control compliance strategy and procedures. Council, April 2009.

Selvarajah, S. 2007. CCA contamination case expert witness affidavit.

Selvarajah, S. 2005. Publication of Council enforcement activity details. Compliance Committee, May 2005.

Legislative changes

Selvarajah, S. 2004. Amendments to Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act. Policy Committee, June 2004.

Selvarajah, S. and Pettinger, R. 2003. Proposed National Environmental Standards for Air Quality. Policy Committee, November 2003.

Selvarajah, S. 2003. Resource Management Amendment Act. Policy Committee, July 2003.

Selvarajah, S. 2002. Implications of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act for Regional Councils. Policy Committee, July 2002.

 Reports to other councils

S42A report for Environment Southland on Southland District Council Te Anau sewage wastewater subsurface land discharge. 2019. 5.6 MB PDF file.